How To Unbreakup - Rebekah L. Purdy.epub

Rhiannon Thomas's dazzling debut novel is a spellbinding reimagining of Sleeping Beauty and what happens after happily ever after.One hundredyears after falling asleep, Princess Aurora wakes up to the kiss of ahandsome prince and a broken kingdom that has been dreaming of herreturn. All the books say that she should be living happily ever after.But as Aurora understands all too well, the truth is nothing like thefairy tale.Her family is long dead. Her 'true love' is a kindstranger.

And her whole life has been planned out by political foeswhile she slept.As Aurora struggles to make sense of her newworld, she begins to fear that the curse has left its mark on her, afiery and dangerous thing that might be as wicked as the witch who onceensnared her. With her wedding day drawing near, Aurora must make theultimate decision on how to save her kingdom: marry the prince or run.Rhiannon Thomas weaves together vivid scenes of action, romance, and gorgeous gowns to reveal a richly imagined world and Sleeping Beauty as she’s never been seen before.

Seventeen-year-oldTwylla lives in the castle. But although she’s engaged to the prince,Twylla isn’t exactly a member of the court.She’s the executioner.Asthe Goddess embodied, Twylla instantly kills anyone she touches. Eachmonth she’s taken to the prison and forced to lay her hands on thoseaccused of treason. No one will ever love a girl with murder in herveins. Even the prince, whose royal blood supposedly makes him immune toTwylla’s fatal touch, avoids her company.But then a new guardarrives, a boy whose easy smile belies his deadly swordsmanship. Andunlike the others, he’s able to look past Twylla’s executioner robes andsee the girl, not the Goddess. Yet Twylla’s been promised to theprince, and knows what happens to people who cross the queen.However,a treasonous secret is the least of Twylla’s problems.

The queen has aplan to destroy her enemies, a plan that requires a stomach-churning,unthinkable sacrifice. Will Twylla do what it takes to protect herkingdom?

Or will she abandon her duty in favor of a doomed love? Shy, artistic Tera can'twait to attend a prestigious art school in France to prove to herfamous artist father that she can make something of herself. But Tera'shopes for the future explode when the police arrest her dad for anunspeakable crime. Her father's arrest must be a mistake, so Tera goesinto action, sacrificing her future at art school to pay for hisdefense. Meanwhile, she falls head over heels for Joey, a rebel musicianwho makes her feel wanted and asks no questions about her past. Joeyhelps Tera forget her troubles, but he brings a whole new set ofproblems to Tera's already complicated life.

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Then, to make mattersworse, as her relationship with Joey deepens and as her dad's hotshotlawyer builds a defense, fractures begin to appear in Tera's childhoodmemories-fractures that make her wonder: could her father be guilty?And whether he's guilty or innocent, can she find a way to step out ofthe shadows of her father's reputation and walk free? Can she stop him,guilty or innocent, from tainting the only future she ever wanted? 'AWork of Art' is a deeply felt story about self-image, self-deception,and the terrible moment that comes when we have to face the whole truthabout the myths of our childhoods. Goodreads Synopsis: In Viking times, Norsemyths predicted the end of the world, an event called Ragnarok, thatonly the gods can stop. When this apocalypse happens, the gods mustbattle the monsters-wolves the size of the sun, serpents that span theseabeds, all bent on destroying the world.The gods died a long time ago.Matt Thorsen knows every Norse myth, saga, and god as if it was family history-because it is familyhistory.

Most people in the modern-day town of Blackwell, South Dakota,in fact, are direct descendants of either Thor or Loki, includingMatt's classmates Fen and Laurie Brekke.However, knowing thelegends and completely believing them are two different things. When therune readers reveal that Ragnarok is coming and kids-led by Matt-willstand in for the gods in the final battle, he can hardly believe it.Matt, Laurie, and Fen's lives will never be the same as they race to puttogether an unstoppable team to prevent the end of the world.Review: This is my first middle grade read in quite some time (in fact, I can't remember what other middle grade books I have read, if I'm being honest.). I thought that the cover was gorgeous and the synopsis sounded intriguing, so I thought that I would go ahead and give it a try and see what I think. Overall, I think that I did discover that middle grade is probably not for me, but I did think that the actual story was very fun, so I did enjoy reading it for the most part.I have not read any of the books in the Percy Jackson series, but I do think that this would probably be similar to those. Enough so that people would probably compare them, at least. However, this book talks about Norse mythology, which I think is an interesting change because it is not something that you see very often. Instead of the usual Greek gods, the main character, Matt, is a descendant of Thor; the other two main characters, Fen and Laurie, are descendants of Loki.

How To Unbreakup - Rebekah L. Purdy.epub

As the Avengers and all of those movies are so popular, it was fun to see things in this light.Overall, I liked how we had more than one POV in the story. I am not sure if that is something that happens often in middle grade, but I think that it definitely added a lot to this story. We get the perspective of all three main characters, which makes things quite interesting as they are all very different. They all had very different voices in the book as well, which I think is very important when trying to write in multiple POVs. If they all sound the same it does not have the desired effect, but that was not the case here.Of course, nothing about this book is realistic, and that's okay. I had to keep in mind that this book was written specifically for children in the middle grades (which was not too difficult for me since I do teach middle school). It's the kind of adventurous, battle type storyline a lot of them would love to read about.

I do think that the ending was a little sudden an abrupt, and there was a definite cliffhanger, but I know that was just done to leave it open for the next book in the series.Overall, I do think that the book was enjoyable. It was nice to step out of my normal reading comfort zone and read something that I probably would not usually read. I do think that I would be interested in reading more books in this series, but I am not sure that I will read much middle grade in the future.Rating: 3.5 / 5.0.

Welcometo This Week's Releases! The new weekly post on Beneath the JacketReviews that I will post every Sunday. I am going to discuss thereleases of the week that I am super excited about, and why. Some weeksthere may be a dozen books, sometimes there may be two or three, andsometimes there may be none at all. That's alright though, since it'sjust about books I am actually interested in!Week #8: February 22 - 28I really did not mean to wait so long between doing these posts, but then things always seemed to come up on the weekends and they just didn't happen. I am going to try to be much better about posting these weekly, though.

Currently it's raining and cold here (hoping for a snow day tomorrow since we're supposed to have a night of freezing rain), so I plan to get quite a few blog posts written and scheduled today! Anyway, here are the releases I'm looking forward to this week! Synopsis:Abigail’s parents havemade mistake after mistake, and now they've lost everything. She’s leftto decide: Does she still believe in them? Or is it time to believe inherself? Fans of Sara Zarr, David Levithan, and Rainbow Rowell willconnect with this moving debut.Abigail doesn't know how her dadfound Brother John. Maybe it was the billboards.

Or the radio. What shedoes know is that he never should have made that first donation. Or thenext, or the next.

Her parents shouldn't have sold their house. Orpacked Abigail and her twin brother, Aaron, into their old van to driveacross the country to San Francisco, to be there with Brother John forthe 'end of the world.' Because of course the end didn't come. And nowthey're living in their van. And Aaron’s disappearing to who-knows-whereevery night. Their family is falling apart.

All Abigail wants is tohold them together, to get them back to the place where things wereright. But maybe it’s too big a task for one teenage girl. Bryan Bliss’sthoughtful, literary debut novel is about losing everything—and aboutwhat you will do for the people you love. Synopsis:Seventeen-year-oldTwylla lives in the castle. But although she’s engaged to the prince,Twylla isn’t exactly a member of the court.She’s the executioner.Asthe Goddess embodied, Twylla instantly kills anyone she touches. Eachmonth she’s taken to the prison and forced to lay her hands on thoseaccused of treason.

No one will ever love a girl with murder in herveins. Even the prince, whose royal blood supposedly makes him immune toTwylla’s fatal touch, avoids her company.But then a new guardarrives, a boy whose easy smile belies his deadly swordsmanship. Andunlike the others, he’s able to look past Twylla’s executioner robes andsee the girl, not the Goddess. Yet Twylla’s been promised to theprince, and knows what happens to people who cross the queen.However,a treasonous secret is the least of Twylla’s problems. The queen has aplan to destroy her enemies, a plan that requires a stomach-churning,unthinkable sacrifice. Will Twylla do what it takes to protect herkingdom? Or will she abandon her duty in favor of a doomed love?

Synopsis:Rhiannon Thomas's dazzling debut novel is a spellbinding reimagining of Sleeping Beauty and what happens after happily ever after.One hundredyears after falling asleep, Princess Aurora wakes up to the kiss of ahandsome prince and a broken kingdom that has been dreaming of herreturn. All the books say that she should be living happily ever after.But as Aurora understands all too well, the truth is nothing like thefairy tale.Her family is long dead. Her 'true love' is a kindstranger. And her whole life has been planned out by political foeswhile she slept.As Aurora struggles to make sense of her newworld, she begins to fear that the curse has left its mark on her, afiery and dangerous thing that might be as wicked as the witch who onceensnared her. With her wedding day drawing near, Aurora must make theultimate decision on how to save her kingdom: marry the prince or run.Rhiannon Thomas weaves together vivid scenes of action, romance, and gorgeous gowns to reveal a richly imagined world and Sleeping Beauty as she’s never been seen before. Synopsis:In the year 2051, Faith can move mountainsFaithDaniels and Dylan Gilmore are in love, and they have a special abilitycalled a pulse: they can move things with their minds.

They're caught inthe middle of a deadly war with two other pulses: Clara and Wade Quinn,who have joined forces with Hotspur Chance, the most wanted man in theworld.At the start of Quake, Faith and Dylan are holed up in aspectacular abandoned mountain lodge (once used in the film The Shining71 years before), and their Intel friend Hawk leaves them in the middleof the night, in spite of a newly blossoming love with a girl namedJade. Hawk’s plan is to penetrate the Western State and make contactwith a sleeper cell working on the inside that will give them valuableinformation about Hotspur’s violent plan.But while Hawk issearching for answers on the inside, Faith and Dylan are still fightingon the outside.


In a series of hair-raising battles, the second pulsesduel it out, only to raise the body count on both sides. During thebattles, Faith and Dylan discover an even great strength: the power oftheir combined love.

Together, Faith and Dylan might just be able tosave the world with a quake that is big enough to change the course ofhistory. THIS WEEK:I actually did not buy any books this week (I know, I'm shocked by it, too!). However, I did make a purchase on Amazon several weeks ago that I am STILL waiting to arrive. It was supposed to be here this week, but they just shipped it yesterday, so I guess I will talk about those books next week. Instead, I am going to focus on some of the books I received from Netgalley recently that I really need to read soon as I am already behind on them (anyone there with me?)ALSO, today is the last day to enter my! Don't miss out on the opportunity to win some awesome books and bookmarks!!Netgalley Books.

Inspired by the truestory of a teen who was killed at a railway crossing, the author weavesthe tale of fourteen-year-old Paige, who, taking a shortcut alongsidethe tracks to avoid the school bullies, is tragically hit by a train andtransported to a surreal world where she encounters Kim, who died sevenyears before. Convinced she is only dreaming, Paige must discover a wayto return to her former life. Poignant, gripping, and full ofunexpected twists and turns, Best Friends through Eternity will resonate with readers who have struggled with cultural identity, a sense of belonging, and the real meaning of home. She meant to help a ghost.not unleash a curse.Amelia Dupree hasn’t seen the Woman in White since the night her brother died.Theghost seems to have disappeared from the woods surrounding Asylum,Pennsylvania—that is, until Charlie Blue moves into the creepy oldMacAllister House next door.

Amelia can’t help liking him, even thoughshe spent her childhood thinking his grandmother was a witch. And shedefinitely can’t ignore the connection between his arrival and the Womanin White’s return.Then Amelia learns that the Woman in Whiteis a prisoner, trapped between the worlds of the living and the dead.Devastated by the idea that her brother could be suffering a similarfate, Amelia decides to do whatever it takes to help the Woman in Whitefind peace-and Charlie agrees to help her.But when Amelia’sclassmates start to drown in the Susquehanna River, one right afteranother, rumors swirl as people begin to connect the timing of Charlie’sarrival with the unexplained deaths. As Charlie and Amelia uncover thedark history of Asylum, they realize they may have unleashed anunspeakable evil.

One they have to stop before everything they love isdestroyed. You say it was allmeant to be. The way we met.

Our secrets in the woods. Eventhe way it all exploded. It was simply a matter of fate.Maybe ifyou were here to tell me again, to explain it one more time, then maybeI wouldn’t feel so uncertain. But I’m going back to the beginning on myown. To see what happened and why.Luisa “Lulu” Mendez hasjust finished her final year of high school in a small Virginia town,determined to move on and leave her job at the local junkyard behind. Sowhen her father loses her college tuition money, Lulu needs a newticket out.Desperate for funds, she cooks up the (definitelyillegal) plan to make and sell moonshine with her friends, Roni andBucky.

Quickly realizing they’re out of their depth, Lulu turns toMason: a local boy who’s always seemed like a dead end. As Mason guidesLulu through the secret world of moonshine, it looks like her plan mightactually work. But can she leave town before she loses everything –including her heart?The summer walks the line between toxic and intoxicating. My Best Everything is Lulu’s letter to Mason – though is it an apology, a good-bye, or a love letter? First rule of breakups: There’s no going back.For three years, seventeen-year-old Grace Evers has regretted breaking up withSage Castle.That day, she lost her boyfriend and best friend. And let's be honest, it'simpossible to just be friends with the one person who gets you, faults and all,and loved you anyway.

It's impossible not to think about how it felt to be heldby him, or the way he looked right before he was about to kiss you with themost perfectly yummy kiss goodnight.And now that things are over between them, they've become strangers to oneanother. Sage won’t even look at Grace, let alone talk to her!Breakup life sucks and Grace is utterly miserable, doing whatever she can toease the pain of losing Sage. She's spent the better part of high schoolpretending to be something she’s not and hanging out with people who probablywouldn't notice if she wasn't there.

Crappy dates, backstabbing friends, andSage's cold shoulder have taken their toll.So when her parents propose going away to their house on Lake Michigan for thesummer, Grace is thrilled. No more massively bad dates with horrible kissers orlunch with frienemies. Just three months of swimming,hiking, and relaxing before senior year starts.But when Grace learns Sage and his family will be joining them, she readiesherself for a totally awkward family vacation of disastrous proportions. Howcan it be anything but awful if Sage won't even acknowledge she exists?This is it, Grace's last chance to get Sage back and unbreakup. Review: When I decided on my February TBR I chose to read a lot of contemporary books, and I was quite happy to be able to add this one to my list of books to read for the month. It sounded so cute when I got the email about the tour, and it had me eagerly awaiting my copy so that I could get to it.

It should come as no surprise that I absolutely loved this book, which is too cute for words. I read it in a day when I had time here and there, though each time I had to put it down I was unhappy. I could have sat and read it all in a few hours and been perfectly content, thank you very much.

I loved how sweet and innocent the whole story and plot was, and I do look forward to re-reading this one when summer rolls around.The book centers around two former best friends, Grace and Sage. In the past they realized that their feelings went past friendship, and so they began to date.

They were a wonderful couple too, it seemed. Unfortunately, Grace overheard some of her soccer teammates discussing that her skills on the field had suffered greatly since their relationship began, and she knew that she had to make a choice; either break up with Sage or continue to be the butt of her teammate's disappointment. She decided to break up, something that she has obviously regretted ever since seeing as Sage has refused to say one word to her since that day.At the beginning of the book three years have passed, and Grace seems to regret the breakup more than ever before.

She wants nothing more than to get back together, but Sage seems to want nothing to do with her. Then her parents inform her that they will be spending their summer in the cabin at the lake.and they have invited Sage's family. Suddenly they will be forced to spend the whole summer together after having not spoken for nearly three years. Seems pretty rough!Grace is determined to get Sage back though, and with the help of Sage's little sister, Allie, they devise a ten step plan that should get Sage to forgive her and fall for her again. Or so she hopes. Naturally, it is a YA contemporary, so it does not come without its problems.

Things don't go as planned, other possible crushes come into the picture, and some things don't work out nearly as Grace had hoped. In the end, she completes the steps and everything is left in Sage's hands.I think that Purdy did a wonderful job of writing this story in a way that we love both of the main characters. In fact, I really enjoyed all of the characters in the book. I thought that they were all unique and interesting, and definitely well-written.

Grace was a great main character, and very relateable. While she was going through a tough situation and was hurting, she never took the low road or was cruel to anyone (like the girl trying to make Sage her summer fling). She handles everything with maturity and understands that she was the one who made the decision three years ago, and so she is the one who has to fix things.Sure, the ending may have been a bit predictable, but you should all know by now that I am not bothered by that at all when it comes to my YA contemps.

In fact, it is usually something that I hope for (and tend to get a little angry about if it doesn't work out that way.). The writing overall was just wonderful.

Everything was clear and detailed, and very interesting. I wanted to continue reading to see what was going to happen next throughout the entirety of the novel. I would strongly recommend this book to other contemporary fans.

Rebekah Purdygrew up in Michigan, where she spent many late nights armed with a good bookand a flashlight. When not hiding at her computer and getting lost in herstories, she enjoys reading, singing, soccer, swimming, football, camping,playing video games and hanging out with her kids. She loves the unexplainablelike Bigfoot, the Dogman, and the Loch Ness Monster (lots of good storymaterial)!

She admits to still having all the books she bought throughout herchildhood and teen years, and she may or may not have an obsession withanything chocolate.

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