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Sponsored LinksCOUNTY CONTRACT NO. 308-99AGREEMENTFORKITSAP COUNTYANDIMAGEWARE SOFTWARE INCORPORATEDAGREEMENTThis is an agreement between ImageWare Software Incorporated (IWS), 10883Thornmint Road, San Diego, California 92127 and the KITSAP COUNTY, 614Division Street, Port Orchard, Washington, 98366 (COUNTY) to provideCOUNTY with IWS's Crime Capture System(CCS). This agreement (AGREEMENT)sets out responsibilities and obligations for both parties relating to:(1) The sale of computer hardware and related equipment.(2) License of computer software.(3) Installation of the computers, equipment and software at your site(s).(4) Training of your personnel on the use of the SYSTEM.Specifically, we agree to the following:SCHEDULE ASPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS1.

Features and Tools Version Control Subversion ActionsYou can run Subversion actions from the Application View.To add a new folder. Right-click your project name and select New Folder. Create a new folder. Right-click the folder and select Subversion Add. To commit changes right-click the folder again and select Subversion Commit.To add a new model to project. Right-click the project name or folder name and select New Model.

Right-click the model name and select Subversion Add. Confirm it by Subversion Commit.Other Files in ProjectYou can add also.doc,.xls and other file formats to your projects (check them out from subversion etc.) Toad Data Modeler allows you to open them from the Application View.To open an existing fileRight-click the file name in the Application View and select Open File. Features and Tools Version Control IntroductionVersion Manager allows you to create projects, add models (logical models, physical models) and other files (e.g.


Text files, images etc.) to your projects, create versions and revisions etc.Toad Data Modeler allows you to create unlimited number of projects.Note: The version manager is meant to be used by single user only, multiple user collaboration is not supported. Please see Subversion section to learn how to set up multiple user collaboration environment.To open Version Manager. Enable Expert Mode: select Settings Options General select the Expert Mode checkbox. Click on the toolbar (or select Expert Mode Version Manager).Version Manager window is a place from where you can access all files stored in Version Manager.TIP: You can open several instances of Version Manager, e.g. For each project.What Is a Project?Project is a group of models and other files that logically match together although they are not of the same origin (physical data model, document file, image etc.).Example: You have created a project for Company 'X'. This project contains various models (LER, PER models) and some other files (text files, images etc).

The models are models of different databases and have a different number of versions/revisions. Nevertheless, all these models and files logically match together - all of them relate to Company 'X'.As stated above, projects can contain models as well as other files of any type (e.g. Any documentation to models, text files, images, other programs.) Nevertheless, Toad Data Modeler is not able to work directly with such files. It can only call appropriate programs or allows you to view them only (see the Show Version (only to read) option).

Projects and Files in Version Manager. Features and Tools Version Control Projects and Files in Version ManagerThere are several ways how to create a project and add files to it:.

Create a new project from scratch (plus possibility to add several files to the project at one jump. It is recommended when you store all files that you want to add to the new project in one directory.). Create a new project while adding an ER Diagram to the project. It is recommended when you want to add a single Toad Data Modeler model to a new or already existing project. Add a single file to already existing project additionally (no matter if it is a model, text document, screenshot etc.). Summary - Add a model and file to already existing project.A. Create a New Project from Scratch.

Click on the toolbar. Right-click the Local Server item and select Add Project. Define properties of the project (see the following details).General TabDescriptionNameDefine a project name.The project name has to carry out conditions for file names set in Windows, e.g. Question mark '?' Cannot be contained.The project name will become a directory name on a disk.

See the path where it will be created in the Settings menu Options Version Manager. The default path can be:C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataQuest Software Toad Data ModelerInstallation NameVersionManagerServerProjectProjectName.All files created in Version Manager will be saved here until you change the path.Note: Information on versions (and their relations to other versions and revisions) are saved by default to another file. Possible path is: C:Documents and SettingsuserNameApplication DataQuest Software Toad Data ModelerInstallation NameVersionManagerServerprojects.xmlAgain, you can change the path in the Settings menu.Load Files inDirectoryUncheck (or not to select) this option to create a new project and let it be empty.Select this option to enable the Directory box. Click the icon on the right to define a path to a directory with files that you want to add to the project. All files stored in the directory will be added to the project automatically.

Sub-directories will be ignored.Description TabYou can enter the project description here. If you want to add a group of files to this project, follow the next steps 5 and 6.You already need to have all the files stored in one directory. Select Load Files in Directory and click the small icon on the right.

Find a directory where files that you want to add to the project are stored. Confirm OK to load all files stored in the directory to the project.B. Create a New Project + Add an ER Diagram to the Project.

Create a new model or open an existing one. Click on the toolbar (or Expert Mode Version Manager Add to Version Manager) to open the New Version Location dialog. If no project exists on your local server, click Add Project. (And follow step 4.)If the project where you want to add the model exists on your local server, simply select it and click OK to add the model to the project. The New Project dialog opens.

Define a name and description of your project. Press OK to confirm and turn back to the New Version Location dialog. Select the new project and confirm OK to add the model to the project. The Check Outmessage displays and you are prompted to define a path where your file should be checked out. Confirm OK. The file doesn't exist and therefore will be created. Click Yes.

See the Version Manager now.C. Add a Single File to Existing Project. Click on the toolbar to open Version Manager. Right-click the selected project and click Add File to display a File browser.

From the Files of Type box, select the appropriate type, find the file and confirm Open.D. Summary - Add a Model and File to Existing ProjectModel: Open the model and simply click on the toolbar.

Select a project and confirm OK. (See B.)Model or any other file: In Version Manager, right-click the selected project and click Add File, find the file and confirm Open. (See C.) Version Manager Toolbar and Options.

Features and Tools Version Control Version Manager Toolbar and OptionsIn Version Manager, the items are sorted this way:. Projects are listed alphabetically. Under projects, files are listed in the alphabetical order too.

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Under files, their versions and revisions are displayed. Versions and revisions of files are sorted in the order they were created. This sorting allows you to see what version precedes which one, what version has been derived from which etc. No other sorting is available in Version Manager itself, however you can sort the items also in the List of Versions and dock the List on Version Manager.Version Manager Toolbar. OptionDescriptionLock ProjectLocks project not to be overwritten.Note: Lock option: Generally, there are two colors of padlock in Version Manager.

Blue padlock means that you are the person who locked the project/file/version, so only you can modify it. Yellow padlock means that another person locked the project/file/version, so you are not allowed to make any changes in it unless the project/file/version is unlocked by the particular person again.Unlock ProjectUnlocks project.Add FileOpens a dialog where you select a file that you want to add to the project. Via this option, you can add any file to the project - Toad Data Modeler model(s) as well as any other files.Remove ProjectRemoves the selected project including all its files, versions and revisions. If any version/revision is locked, this option is disabled.Synchronize ProjectSynchronizes latest versions of files of selected project with files saved on your local computer. (On the server, the latest versions of files will be found and copied to your local disk.)PropertiesOpens the Project Properties dialog where you can edit a project name, add a description on the project etc.List of FilesOpens a list of all files of the project. Here, you can sort the files by name, date of creation, owner etc.File Right-Click OptionsRight-click a file to see the following options.

OptionDescriptionLock FileTo preserve the selected file from overwriting, select this option.Unlock FileUnlocks previously locked file.Last Version Check-OutOpens the latest version for edit.Last Version Check-InSaves changes made in the latest version.Add Version (2.0)You have modified a file, saved it and now you want to add it as a new version. For this purpose, select this option, and find the appropriate file in the Open dialog.Note: This option is available even though a project is locked, nevertheless, only provided that a user who's locked it and user who is logged in Version Manager is the same person. (If it was Administrator who locked the file and a User was logged in, the Add Version option would be disabled.)Remove from ProjectRemoves a file from project.

This option is not available if any version or revision of this file is locked.Save Version asSaves the latest version as a standard file Toad Data Modeler models with extension.txp or.txl).PropertiesOpens the File Properties dialog where information on the file name, location, date and time of creation and last modifications can be found. Tab Lock is read-only and provides information on the lock hierarchy:Ancestor Locked - It's selected if ancestor (Project in this case) has been locked.Descendent Locked - It's selected if any descendent of this file has been locked.List of VersionsDisplays list of versions and revisions of the selected file.Version/Revision Right-Click OptionsRight-click a version/revision to see the following options. OptionDescriptionLock VersionTo prevent the selected version from overwriting, select this option. (If the version is checked out, the version is locked automatically.)Unlock VersionUnlocks previously locked version. (If you check in the version, it will be unlocked automatically.) How does it work?If you check out a version, the version locks and the corresponding file on the server becomes read-only, however it is editable in your local file.When you check in the version, the version unlocks and the corresponding file on the server can be modified.

In your local file, it is locked and becomes read-only.Version lock properties show information on who locked the project and when.Note: For now, all users in Version Manager are Admins.Check OutOpens the selected version/revision for edit.Note: Multiple Version Check Out is possible. Use SHIFT key to select versions and click Check Out then.Local Directory - Define a path where you want to load the selected version. Here, the version will be saved and from here, you will work with the version. The default path is set in the Settings menu Options Version Manager Local Directory.Possible path is: C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataQuest Software Toad Data ModelerInstallation nameVersionManagerLocalDownloadProjectNameAfter you define and confirm the path, the version will open in the Application Window.

Groupwise 5.5 Upgrade (5-user English) Programs For Windows 7

A new version item will appear also in the Application View. The selected version will be loaded from a server to your local file. The version will be locked automatically on the server. The version item will appear in the Application View from where you can manage it as well (see the pop-up menu or main menu toolbar).

The version will open in the Application Window.Check InSaves changes and closes the version/revision. This option is available from the pop-up menu of the selected version in Version Manager and also in the Application View.Description - here, you can write description on the version/revision.Finish Work on Model - select it to close your model during the Check In. Otherwise it remains open.After you confirm OK, the version will be saved to your local disk and possible changes will be applied on a server. Version will be automatically unlocked and will become accessible for other team members.

(Projects.xml file is saved after every change made in the project. The file is being updated continuously - changes made and saved by user A will be visible to user B.)Note: Multiple Version Check In is possible. Use SHIFT key to select versions and click Check In then.Show Version (only to read)Opens the selected version in appropriate associated program, e.g. Word, Notepad, Windows Viewer, Acrobat Reader etc. Toad Data Modeler models will open in the Application Window.If your file has an extension that does not associate with any program, it will open in the Version Viewer dialog.

On tab Content of Local File, you can see the text.Add Version (2.0)Adds another version.Add Revision (1.1)Adds another revision.(If you checked out a version and saved the changes to new a version or revision, the result would be the same as if you used these options.)Remove VersionRemoves the selected version and all its revisions.Exclude VersionExcludes only the selected version, its revisions will remain.Save Version asSaves the selected version as a standard file ( Toad Data Modeler models with extension.txp or.txl).PropertiesOpens the Version Properties dialog. On tab Notes, you can define notes on the version/revision.

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