Nikon Coolscan V Ed Firmware Update

Masplin wrote:I am contemplating buying a 2nd hand Nikon Coolscan V ED to scan a whole load of colour negatives. I am using Windows 7 64 but and understand that although the Nikonscan software is no supported it is possible to get it work with a bit of fiddling. I use LR 3.5 as my main photo editing software.My question is that having spent a reasonable amount of money on a high quality scanner is the Nikonscan software good enough or should I consider Vuescan or Silverfast which adds to the overall cost. The images are likely to be printed at a max of 10' by 7' at 300dpi so only an issue if the scan has to be cropped first given the 4000dpi scan. There is the added avatage that I asusme 3rd party software will work seemlessly with Win7 64 bit without any work around.Thanks for any advice before I take the plungeMikeI have a similar quest:I just pulled my Nikon Super CoolScan 4000 out of mothballs and set it up on Win 8.1 Pro over IEEE 1394. I have it scanning with VueScan v9.5.36 - great.Next step, I would like to compare VueScan results to Nikon Scan 4.0.3 results (I'm more familiar with Nikon Scan from years back).To do so, I installed Nikon Scan v4.0.3 on my Win 8.1 Pro box WITHOUT installing the Nikon drivers (its a check-box in the install). The idea is get Nikon Scan to use the scanner drivers that come with VueScan, rather than going through a hairy process to get the old Nikon drivers to work on Win 8.1 x64 (esp.

Since Nikon does not support these drivers on Win 8.1). This should work in theory I think - but don't know for sure.Nikon Scan v4.0.3 installs and runs fine but it does not automatically find/ reference the scanner driver, and I cannot find anything in the install or setup that will allow me to point it to the scanner driver.QUESTION: Does anyone know (a) is this possible to do in the first place?

(or am I nuts) and (b) if so, how to tell Nikon Scan to use the driver that came with VueScan?

I just discovered (painfully!) that my Nikon COOLSCAN V ED scanner, the really expensive one with all the bells and whistles (and expensive accessories) no longer works with the latest version of Windows on my PC. This seems to have happened after Windows latest 'update' was automatically installed.To add insult, the good folks at Nikon want nothing to do with me – or rather, nothing to do with this scanner. Several calls to Nikon Customer Service and the best I got was:“We no longer support it!”The scanner still is in fine working condition, except we (ie: PC, me and it) are no longer communicating. Tried removing and re-installing the original program disc that came with it. Nada.Seems like there should be an easy 'fix' out there.Any suggestions?


Nikon Coolscan V Ed For Sale

Nikon coolscan v ed software

Yep it sucks when an OS changes and the vendor drops support. I have been through that with Plustek scanners, HP SCSI scanners and the worst was a great HP laserjet I had that would not work when WIndows 7 came out. Turns out HP in their wisdom had used a proprietary printer control language that Win 7 would not support.

Talk about throwing out working equipment but no choice.I took a look online and there are a lot of people with the same problem as you and really no solution I can see. Microsoft says no drivers and refer people to Nikon who go Meh!!!I did find a blog where someone says he had success reinstalling the Win 7 drivers on Win 10 through some convoluted steps.

I dont know if it will help but it wouldnt hurt to take a look. I just discovered (painfully!) that my Nikon COOLSCAN V ED scanner, the really expensive one with all the bells and whistles (and expensive accessories) no longer works with the latest version of Windows on my PC. This seems to have happened after Windows latest 'update' was automatically installed.?I've got a Nikon COOLSCAN V and have never used anything other than VueScan.

Nikon coolscan v ed windows 10

It's the Swiss Army Knife of scanning software. If you buy the Professional version, the developer will let you download upgrades forever—and he is constantly improving VueScan's features and adding more scanners to its compatibility list.In fact, I've used VueScan with many scanners over the past 15 years or so.Highly recommended. Seems to be a UHH consensus. C program to print n consecutive numbers using for loop. I would also recommend Vuescan (affordable) as well or Silverfast (more expensive) as a solution.

Nikon Coolscan Ed

Just for fun as I am a computer hobbyist, I got a Coolscan LS2000 and another LS (may have been a V) from that era to run just fine on Windows 7 including the SCSI interface which is the more problematic piece. The key to getting the SCSI interface to work is that you use an adapter that is supported. When I was working to get those two scanners working I picked up a very common Adaptec board from eBay (cheap) that was supported in Windows 7 versus using one that may have come with the scanner. I would assume that I could do the same on Windows 10 but I have not tried it.

Nikon Coolscan V Ed Firmware Update 1

I currently have my Coolscan 5000 slide scanner, which fortunately is USB, running on Windows 10 although Nikon has not supported that scanner with drivers since XP. I use Silverfast as my control program.

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