Tatukgis Calculator

TatukGIS Datum Conversion Calculator (free download) -InstructionsE-mail questions to, Text byRevision: 20 May 2002This calculator is being supplied courtesy of,the maker of a royalty-free GIS development toolkit and aerial imageryrectification software. The program provides converting between UTM,Long/Lat, and X,Y,Z coordinates with a large selection of datums and projections.There are MANY datums to choose from.Examples:In the left panel of the above example, an NAD-27 datum, UTM positionhas been entered in Northing, Easting, Height, Datum, Projection, and Zone.In the right panel the NAD-27 position is being converted to the WGS-84datum. It is interesting see that UTM northing is a significant 209meters more than with the NAD-27 datum. The height is about 39 meters different,but this is not a geodetic (actual) difference, but the difference in thetwoellipsoids.In this example, the NAD-27 UTM position is being converted to WGS-84Longitude and Latitude.

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In order to do this, the WGS-84 Projectionmust be set to Geodetic. Also note that the ellipsoids of thedatums are displayed under the datums.Description of Geodetic Coordinates:Geodetic coordinates consist of geodetic latitude (f), geodeticlongitude (l), and geodetic height (h) which define the position of a pointon, or near, the surface of the earth with respect to a reference ellipsoid.Their relationship to the reference ellipsoid is shown in the figure below.The angle between the normal SP and the equatorial (X-Y) plane is calledthe geodetic latitude (f) of point P. The meridian plane containingpoint P is defined as the half-plane containing the Z-axis and point P.The angle between the prime meridian (X-Z) plane and the meridian containingpoint P is the geodetic longitude (l) of point P. Geodetic longitudeis not defined when P lies on the Z-axis. The distance from Q toP is called the geodetic or ellipsoidal height (h).Description of Geocentric Coordinates:Geocentric coordinates are Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) thatdefine the position of a point with respect to the center of mass of theearth.

Download Tatuk Gis Calculator

Tatukgis calculator free download

The origin of the coordinate system is at the center of thereference ellipsoid.The coordinate system is a right-handed system, with the positiveX axis emerging from the ellipsoid at the equator on the prime meridian,and the positive Z axis emerging from the ellipsoid at the north pole.

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