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Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures (CSOP) – VersionNow you can have procedures that are both affordable and comprehensive while saving your business several hundred hours of work developing control activities & procedure statements!Our Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures (CSOP) are the most exhaustive and affordable procedures you’ll find on the market today. Mapped to the specific policies and controls we have available today, the CSOP saves your business hundreds of hours of work developing control activities and procedure statements! Alignment With The NIST NICE FrameworkOur CSOPs leverage the NIST NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework. Sniper elite 3 dlc v1.15.

NIST released the NICE framework in 2017 with purpose of streamlining cybersecurity roles and responsibilities. By assigning these work roles, the CSOP helps direct the work of employees and contractors to minimize assumptions about responsibility for certain cybersecurity and privacy tasks. The CSOP uses the work roles identified in the NIST NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to help make assigning the tasks associated with procedures and control activities more efficient and manageable. These are fully editable for every organization. The CSOP provides an organization with clear cybersecurity procedures that can scale to meet the needs and complexity of any team. What Is The Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures (CSOP)?Our policies, controls, and procedures are delivered the strake/IR procedure automation and reporting platform, in addition to security plans that can also be presented in Microsoft Office-based documentation that you can edit for your specific needs. Our CSOP provides the following:.

Each standard within the Information Security Programs (ISP), the CSOP has a procedure associated with it. The CSOP addresses the “how?” questions in an audit, since procedures provide the means for how your organization’s policies and standards are actually implemented. The CSOP provides the underlying cybersecurity procedures that must be documented, as many stipulated by statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements. The procedure statements in the CSOP can be exported into other repositories (e.g., wiki page) or left in a single document.

There is no wrong answer for how procedures are maintained, since every organization is unique in the tools used and the location of users. What Problem Does The CSOP Solve?. Lack of In House Security Experience – Writing security documentation is a skill that many good cybersecurity professionals are simply not proficient at and avoid the task at all costs. Tasking your security personnel to write comprehensive documentation means you are actively taking them away from protecting and defending your network, which can be costly to your organization. The CSOP is a fast and efficient way to obtain comprehensive security procedures for your organization!. Compliance Requirements – Nearly every organization, regardless of industry, is required to have formally-documented security procedures. Requirements range from to HIPAA to.

The CSOP is designed with compliance in mind and focuses on leading security frameworks to address reasonably-expected security requirements. Audit Failures – Security documentation does not age gracefully. Outdated documentation leads to gaps that expose organizations to audit failures and system compromises. The CSOP’s procedures provide mapping to leading security frameworks to show you exactly what is required to both stay secure and compliant.

Vendor Requirements – It is very common for clients and partners to request evidence of a security program and this includes policies, standards and procedures. Product Example – Information Security Program CSOPCompanies choose the CSP Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures (CSOP) because they:. Have a need for comprehensive cybersecurity procedures to address their compliance needs.

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Need to be able to edit the document to their specific technology, staffing and other considerations. Need documentation that is directly linked to, HIPAA and other frameworks. Need an affordable and timely solution to address not having procedures.Take a look at these examples to see the depth of expertise and detail the ISP contains. Cost Savings Estimate – Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures (CSOP)Writing cybersecurity documentation can take an internal team months and often results in your most senior and experienced cybersecurity experts being pulled from daily duties to assist in the process. The alternative is often hiring a cybersecurity consultant (at $300/hr+ in most cases) to create your documentation. If you do this, you not only incur the substantial cost of authoring the documentation, but the timetable to schedule the consultant, provide guidance, and receive the deliverable product can take months. Choosing this path will also require involvement from your internal team for quality control and response to queries.

Regardless of which option you choose, the cost is steep in terms budget and lost productivity.Now you no longer have to be forced to choose between costly and costlier options for creating the documentation to meet your cybersecurity and privacy requirements. Purchasing Cybersecurity Standardized Operating Procedures from Strake Cyber provides the following benefits:. Eliminating an estimated 300 work hours your internal staff would need to generate comparable documentation – a savings of approximately $19,300 in staff-related expenses. In addition, you avoid 3-6 months of staff being diverted from critical daily tasks!. Avoid incurring the expense of retaining a consultant for an estimated 200 work hours to author this documentation – a savings of approximately $56,800. Instead of waiting 2-3 months for a contractor to deliver the final product, you can have your documentation in days. Incur a fraction of the cost – approximately 5% of the cost of a consultant or 14% of the cost to have your internal staff generation your documentation.

Dramatically reduced timetable – orders are usually processed within one business day, so you get your CSOP quickly! The Heavy Lifting is Already Done!Every organization is unique, making it impossible to provide procedure statements that are 100% applicable to every custom. Our goal in creating the CSOP is to provide an “ 80% solution“. This means that the heavy lifting is done and you just need to fine-tune the procedures with the specifics that only you would know to make it 100% applicable to your organization. All that’s left to do is “fill in the blanks” to provide the who / what / when / where / why / how that are unique to your organization.Take a look at the examples to see for yourself.

We even provide a matrix to help identify the likely stakeholders for these procedures. North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection ( NERC CIP )American Institute of CPAs Service Organization Control ( AICPA SOC2 )Center for Internet Security Critical Security Controls ( CIS CSC )Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix ( CSA CCM )European Union Agency for Network and Information Security ( ENISA )European Union General Data Protection Regulation ( EU GDPR )United Kingdom Data Protection Act ( UK DPA )Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00Oregon Identity Theft Protection Act ( ORS 646A ). Standardized Process Criteria – Helps Identify The Who/What/Where/When/How For ProceduresYour customization will be to help “fill in the blanks” with specific process owners, process operators, where additional documentation can be found, applicable service obligations (e.g., SLAs), and what technology/tools your team has available.

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